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Projects and experiences

Content manager
Content manager
A CMS is a big part of a website and it will be a heavy burden to make one on every project right from scratch, so I decided to develop Fractal CMS to boost my productivity. When you work with different clients, the language of the app could be a challenge sometimes, so in Fractal I felt the need to construct the app in a way to be able to support multiple languages. Not only that, it's highly flexible with both right-to-left (RTL) and left-to-right (LTR) text directions, so you don't need to worry about that at all. Another important feature in Fractal is the server-side language/theme selection, so the user can have the same customization on different devices. Techs: LARAVEL, JAVASCRIPT, MYSQL.
Event planner
Event planner
Events & Planning
A website to manage an exhibition/event. In this project, a system was needed to first tell the users about an event and then provide enough tools for them to participate. There had to be two dashboards for both judges and participants, so that means two different sets of authentication systems. I developed two different sets of objects to handle the login/registration requests and redirect the users (whether it's a judge or a participant) to their right dashboard. Most importantly, there should have been a very generic validation class to support any form. As a way of communication, a small-scale messaging system was developed to ensure that the participants will be informed only through the app and also made them available to reach out by the judges if it was necessary. Finally, the last step was the participants' dashboard. In order to authenticate the users and prevent spamming, an authentication system has been set up to let the users complete their profiles based on a unique ID to prevent any unwanted occurrences. Techs: OOP PHP, HTML&CSS, MYSQL, JAVASCRIPT
Online shop
Online shop
This project was actually my first step of deploying my PHP knowledge. For the shop, I developed a system to take care of the inventory in a dynamic way and let the owner know what they actually have and what is out of stock. Every time a purchase is being done, the system should update the quantity of the product and check if there's still enough left of the product or not. The next challenge of the project was actually planning out the database and setting up the relationships. I had to take care of the users' shopping cart and make it dynamic to let them know about their chosen products. Finally, the checkout and payment system had to be precise, to exactly match the count and the price of the product. Techs : plain PHP, HTML & CSS, MYSQL